Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

It looks like the Schierding kids were good this year! Santa brought so many present for Sam and Eleanor. The favorite by far is the awesome train table and train set that was set up in the living room. It will undoubtedly bring years of fun to E & S! It's so nice to sit here on the couch and watch Eleanor do some spectacular pretending with her new toy.

Eleanor got everything she asked for from Santa, which was a "hair cut thing" and "Tangled" doll to sleep with. I'm scheduled to receive my first hair cut anytime now. Sam got an really cool barn and a little house that has all kinds of activities, lights, and sounds.

Pictures to come soon!

Sam is definitely feeling better this morning after battling a stomach bug for two days. Still, after 13 hours of straight sleep last night, he was only up for about an hour and a half before needing another rest this morning. Hopefully he'll be as good as new in the next few days so he can enjoy his gifts. And hopefully none of us catches whatever he had, because it looks like it's awful. :(

Friday, December 23, 2011

New year, new blog

With the new year quickly approaching, I have decided to start another blog since my first one fizzled out. This one will be all about the family, and not just Eleanor.

I am writing this post as I sit by my lovely Christmas tree, half watching Love Actually. Brian and Eleanor are one their way home from Christmas with his family. Sam and I had to stay behind unexpectedly because he got sick just before we left. I just hope that he is well for his first Christmas. The poor little stinker looks absolutely miserable. Eleanor just could not understand why her little brother was sick. It was a bit heartbreaking when she asked if she made him sick. :( She really does care about him so much, and I'm thankful for that every single day.

More late...keeping up with this blog is my #1 New Year's resolution, and it's one I think I can keep this time.